August 26, 2011

Much better day today

The new regime of meds they put Mark on last night seem to have had a positive affect thank goodness. His spasms weren't nearly as bad today, so he wasn't as tired or in as much pain this afternoon. Not sure when he'll have his MRI - the MRI machine is broken and they're taking emergencies elsewhere to be zapped. Not sure when it will be operational again. The place is going to the dogs.

Tonight he managed to transfer onto his bed, get his transfer board out from under his bum and lift his legs onto the bed AND take his shoes off - that's an amazing improvement just with the change in meds. Normally he transfers onto his bed, I get the transfer board out, put his legs onto the bed and undress him. He was so proud of himself he wants a medal!!

Tomorrow going out into the community again - heaven help the community I say.

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