August 25, 2011

Mark has been deteriorating in health over the last few days. His strength has reduced significantly and the spasms in his chest are becoming more violent and painful. He had a visit from his consultants boss today and Mark told him that the pain and spasms he's having are getting worse by the day and no one seems to be listening. Mr Jamil felt around Marks operation area and he thinks there's a problem either at the top of the repair ie where the screws are or with the vertebrae above it. He ordered further x-rays to be taken when Mark was in various different positions - that happened this afternoon -just shows things can be done quickly when the right person asks for it to be done. Unfortunately the x-rays didn't show what he wanted so Mark is in the queue for yet another MRI, we're hoping that will happen quickly. Mr Jamil looked at Marks swollen legs and said they were totally unacceptable and bordering on dangerous now. He has also told the Physio Dept to get some special leg wraps that can be pumped with air and slowly squeeze the excess fluid out. We're hoping that will also happen quickly.

We're both worried that the syrinx in his spinal column might be causing some of the problems as they did tell Mark that the first sign of it increasing in size would be loss of strength and/or sensation and/or motor function. Really hope that is not the case.

Marks hospital bed and hoist were delivered today ready for his home visit next week, somehow that had the effect of making the next stage very real. And scary.

Just to top today off, some lowlife took my phone while I was at the hospital, can't believe how despicable some people can be!

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