August 30, 2011

Home for a couple of nights

Our hard fought for home stay is under-way. Mark arrived home this morning via ambulance with his dirty washing and all his drugs. He's settled in, had some of his tools delivered by a friend from Lefkas, gave them a love (the tools not the friend) and now has all his computer stuff unpacked and all over the place. Nothing has changed at all!!

While there isn't any pressing news I'll tell you about Mark's session in the disabled kitchen. Everyone gets an hour in there as part of their OT. Most people make a cup of tea, maybe some toast and the adventurous may even make scrambled egg. Not Mark. Oh no, he wanted to make curry and not just enough for a couple of us but for half the ward! So off I trot with my shopping list. Next day I struggle my way to the ward with 2 heavy carrier bags stuffed full, a canvas bag with a big pan, sharp knives, spice grinder, chopping board and basically every little implement he might need cos we don't know what's available in the kitchen.

So we get out the onions, tomatoes and chicken and Mark starts wielding a large knife. Any minute now there's going to be a blood bath me thinks, I'm glad I'm not responsible for what could go wrong. Not so easy for poor Scott (the OT in charge), as the blood drains out of his face watching Mark, he's hovering closely trying to encourage Mark to take it easy with the knife and maybe he should do some of the chopping. NO. Mark was doing it all. I sat back and watched the pantomine occasionally not able to contain myself and bursting out laughing at poor Scott having a near nervous breakdown.

With a little more help than he thought he would need he did create a very nice curry. We managed to stink out the hospital to a radius of about 100 yards in every direction from the kitchen and poor Scott had to change his clothes because he stank so much. Three of us ate curry for tea and most of the nurses had snack amounts and there was still some left over.

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