April 24, 2010

A lovely day out

Friends Sandra and Les have rented an apartment on the mainland up in Assos, north east from the island of Lefkas, you can read about their lovely life at http://www.leswaddy-fromyorkshiretogreeece.com
Anyway, we had a day off and went up to spend the afternoon with them and have a bbq. While on our short hour journey, or what should have been an hour journey, Mark was talking nineteen to the dozen to Tony (the driver) and this distraction caused Tony to take a wrong turning. We meandered our way up into the hills through a small village until we thought we were well and truly lost. However, just through the village, in true Greek style we came across a new road, right in the middle of nowhere.

You can see from the picture below where it starts in relation to the village.

The odd thing is, it's not unusual for Greece!!

We did eventually find our way there and you can see from the picture with the backdrop of the mountains what a fantastic setting it was.
They're on the side of a mountain with view in both directions along a fantastic valley and more mountains on the other side. Absolutely stunning and quite apart from the birdsong.
Sun shinning, bbq on the go, drink in hand - perfect.

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