May 03, 2013

Back on the ward

He's back down on ward 407, room 15 if anyone wants to visit over the next couple of days.

We had a few problems with blood pressure going up and down after they had been moving him this morning which gave him a serious headache, but that's sorted out. He's still on oxygen and his own morphine pump for now, he has a drain in from the wound and still lots of neck pain but overall he's feeling a lot better.

Arms and hands have gone back to the same amount of sensation he's had all along apart from the last few months when it was deteriorating more and more by the week.

I think I described his spinal cord as being crushed into a V shape in an earlier blog but I should have said a triangle shape. Am finding out more now as Mark becomes more coherent. I also said the surgeon removed lesions from the spinal cord but Mark has explained this morning that Mr Flint said he removed a considerable amount of cord tethering, which is what he thought he would find when he went in there.  Tethering is what happens when the cord forms scar tissue with the spinal column surrounding the cord and when there's movement it causes pain.

So all in all, so far it's looking good and he's asking for sweeties!!

1 comment:

Hazey Days said...

Good news Mo, lets hope he keeps improving and soon eat pies with us! Dave and Carole