April 13, 2013

We've got to the bottom of the cock up

We had a phone call last night from the Assistant Director of Nursing. She has been looking into what happened last week to see where any fault lay in the cancelling of Marks operation.

She explained she had looked through the process, particularly the part played by the Theatre Manager as we had specifically identified him as the cause of the cockup.

Apparently it wasn't the Theatre Manager who was at fault, his role is to put in the request for the tools and the department responsible orders them. It seems all through this process it has been the 'unknown' department' who has been completely incompetent - words used by the A. Dir. of Nursing. She told Mark it had flagged up a system that was inefficient and totally unacceptable. Now they were aware of the problem they were going to make changes so it can't happen again - do we believe that???

Give her her due she openly admitted they were totally at fault and apologised. Offered the name of the Theatre Manager and didn't try to hide the inadequacy or dodge any responsibility on the behalf of the hospital.

So now picture the scene, Mark is on the phone having a calm conversation with this woman and I'm jumping up and down in the background getting irate because he's not asking enough questions or tearing a strip off this woman.  I want an apology in writing, want to know who is going to be held accountable - the unknown department?? - and what's going to be done to put it right, but Mark doesn't want to take it any further. His view is 'what good will come of asking for it in writing' or taking it any further. He's far too nice ......... me I'm still angry!

Do I go against his wishes and ring this woman back and make my own demands and upset Mark or do I let it go and stew on it ???? ............ for ever probably!!


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Problem with the NHS now, too many managers and not enough nusreing staff.

greendave8 said...

leave it.....never upset the waitress springs to mind....
