November 15, 2012

Marks holds the record .....

..... for needing the most 'clean you out fluid' of anyone they've dealt with so far in BRI. And even then he still wasn't completely cleared out. What a claim to fame!!

He was supposed to have a colonoscopy - camera job - but he missed his slot because they couldn't get him cleaned out in time so they decided to do a CTC instead. According to one of the nurses, it's a better and safer proceedure, and you don't have to be completely empty to do it.  The result is a 3D rendering of the intestines but they don't use it as a matter of course because it's too expensive. So a 24 hour stay turned into a 48 hour stay and NO food all that time.  The other downside of all this flushing liquid was that his drugs were also being flushed out too quickly, he was almost on withdrawal, having little or no benefit from them. Not a pleasant experience for the poor bloke.

He's home tonight and although he's worn out with having so little sleep over the last 48 hours doesn't look too much worse for the experience. You would think he should look a little thinner but sadly no.

The cat is beginning to join our gang. When he first came to live with us, about 5 months ago, he disappeared under the bed in the room Mike and Eve were in and didn't come out for about a fortnight.  Over the next couple of weeks he slowly began to sleep on the bed rather than under it and after a month had his food moved to the kitchen. He had nothing to do with anyone really other than Mike and Eve, but when they left he decided he better start talking to me as I was the only one left who would feed him .... more about him next time if there isn't anything more interesting to chat about.

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