November 11, 2012

Another three days in bed

I don't know where Mark picks these things up from, but I think he's had another bug. Came home from his friends on Thursday night, went straight to bed and had been there until today (Sunday). Apart from the severe pain he normally has, he's felt completely worn out and slept continually.  Oh well, he'll be rested up for his next stay in hospital, this Tuesday. Only an overnight this time. They did a blood test ages ago and he was severely anemic so they put him on iron tablets and folic acid, like he's not taking enough drugs already!!  They also booked him in for a colonoscopy to make sure he's not bleeding internally. It never ends for the poor guy. And that's why he's going into hospital this Tuesday.

Apart from that there's not much going on in our lives, I'm STILL painting, every time I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I see loads more, it's never ending!!

The cat is fine, by the way, he does have a name it's Bods, short for Boddingtons.  He still doesn't have a care in the world. He's started following me round the house in the mornings after he has come in and had his breakfast, shouting at me.  What he's got to shout about heaven only knows!!

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