July 01, 2012

Mark christens the new house by .........

falling out of his showerchair.

We had chaotic and stressful week leading up to moving, it should have been orderly and relaxed, that's how I'd planned it. However, best laid plans etc etc. We're having a new garage door fitted, it was two doors, neither of which Marks car would go through. The builder was organised and the door ordered. Sorted we thought. But the builder had other plans or rather cancelled his planned fishing trip and wanted to come early and get the old doors and central pillar out. The problem was the house was empty. So we have an empty house and a garage with no doors. One of the builders was having a look round the garden and when he looked over the fence he thought the long grass looked like someone had been wandering around at the back of the property. Mike was busy down in Sheffield so we quickly organised Marks sister to stay with him a couple of nights and I stayed at the house. John stayed a night with Mark and friends Steve and Elise came to the rescue and stayed at Wyke one night for us. So instead of being at Hewenden and finishing our packing the last few nights before we moved, I am the house in Wyke, travelling back each day to see to Mark then back to the house to work. So it was stress city the week before moving.

Anyway back to Mark falling out of his showerchair. Moving day went fine really, choatic like any moving but on the whole not too bad. The day we moved was Marks bathroom night, so I got him sorted in the bathroom, he's normally there at least an hour so I'm sitting watching telly, falling asleep, when there's a loud crashing from the bathroom followed by MAUREEN!!!!! Mike and I leap up and run to the bathroom and there he is, showerchair climbing up over the back of the toilet and Mark sprawled on the floor. Oh bugger!!
Well we know the hoist goes through all the doorways and that it works in the bathroom, if it had happened in what will be the wetroom it wouldn't have been that easy. Anyway with a lot of hoiking and shuffling him into a sitting position, getting the sling around and under him we managed to get him back in his chair. Thank goodness Mike was here, I'm not sure I would have been able to get him back in on my own.

We're a week into new carers and so far it looks like we've moved to exactly the same rubbish care company we had a Hewenden, all the carers are moaning about management, some are leaving because management is rubbish etc etc ..... and we have to pay for this!!

Got organised with new doctors but had hassle with getting last prescription, it got lost at the surgery probably with the doctors cos they were on strike the day I took it in to get signed - bloody nightmare - had to make two extra trips back to Cullingworth to get everything I needed, then we also needed a urine sample testing the day we moved to see if Marks bladder infection had cleared but the old doctor wouldn't take it cos technically we'd moved so I ended up carrying it around all day before I got to the new surgery. They said it would be no good now I needed to do another one the next morning. Did that, handed it in and so far heard nothing. So don't know if that's good news or not, knowing out luck they've probably lost the damn thing!

As for the house, its great, all the work we've done over the last 12 weeks has paid off and it's an easy place for Mark to get around now. I've still got about 6 months work ahead of me but it will keep me out of trouble for a while. I promise some piccies next time, feet just haven't touched the ground for the last couple of weeks, but it should calm down a bit now. PLEASE.

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