July 16, 2012

The cat puts a paw outside and Mark falls out of his wheelchair

The cat ...... did I mention we inherited a cat?? No, well we have, long story but we now have a cat, it's going through it's reorientation process, it's not an easy process for this cat it seems, spends most of it's time hidden under a bed ...... you don't want to hear about the cat you want to hear about Mark falling out of his wheelchair..... well ok, it's not as funny as the stupid cat but this is what happened. We had friends visit for lunch, very nice, we sat around eating and having a little wine for most of the afternoon chatting, very civilised and pleasant. We went outside as they were leaving to have a look at their new camper-van, also very nice.  Mark now has a ramp from inside the garage, across the gap between the garage and the house and into the house. However, the entry point in the garage isn't quite finished and I said to Mark the other day, you need to sort this out you're going to fall out of your chair if you get it a bit wrong, yea yea, nag nag, it'll get done. Fine, what do I know. Anyway, friends get ready to leave, Mark wheels back into the garage to go inside, next thing we hear is AAAAARRGH, then a crashing sound followed quickly by 'BLOODY HELL'. We race into the garage to find Mark on the floor and wheelchair beside him. He had started up the ramp and got it a bit wrong and gone straight over backwards. I didn't dare say 'I told you something like this would happen', which was pretty good for me, those of you who know me well will be impressed that I held my tongue.  Anyway we untangle him, get the hoist from the house, manoeuvre it around him and eventually get him back in his chair ..... not hurt but shaken. Once he got himself straightened out he noticed his chair had scratched the car when it went over, well that set off another set of profanities, he's more p'd off about that than falling out of his chair. A good ending to what was a nice afternoon.

Do you want to hear about the dam cat now ..... no??  Well you're going to hear about it next time then, whether you want to or not haha.

We're off to our Birmingham appointment this week so keep your fingers crossed for us, we're staying overnight the night before so that's going to be traumatic me thinks.

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