May 25, 2013

It hasn't been a great week

We've had a bit of a set back this week.  Tuesday and Wednesday Mark was in severe pain again but he didn't think it was operation pain but more the same pain he's always had. As you can imagine, that scared him, thinking the operation hadn't done anything after all for the pain he's been suffering.

He rang the consultant's secretary and she said he had to ring his Doctor, the Doctor had to have a quick look at him then ring them back.  On the basis of what the Doctor said, the consultants side kick (an Egyptian whose name I can't even pronounce let alone spell) suggested Mark should come back down to Mr Flints clinic. They arranged the appointment there and then for the next day - Thursday. So we get up early, I get Mark ready and when the carers arrived they helped me get him in the car, I would get some help to get him out when we got to Birmingham.  Off we set.

Half way down we get a call from Mr Flints secretary saying she'd just spoken to Mr Flint as he'd been in surgery all morning and doesn't want you to come down, it's too far to come when he had no intention of admitting him and all they would do is a CT scan and take a blood test to ensure he didn't have an infection. They won't do anything for the next few weeks, he has to just wait it out and see if it settles down. So we turn around and come home again and arrange for a blood test at our doctors. That was done on Friday, we await the results. We were both p****d off, tired, worried and not a little dejected.

His pain has eased a little, the feeling in his hands has changed, not better, not worse, just different. He's having different feelings in his neck and has the weird feeling that he could just stand up.  When he pushes as if to get off his chair and stand up he's got tingling down through his hips and at the tops of his legs.  He's never going to stand and walk again but these are very different feelings than he's had before.  He's obviously going to go through a lot of settling down after that op.

The sun was actually shining today and he came out into the garden with me for a while. The sun felt good, but made him depressed knowing he wasn't ever going to go back to a life with more sun. It's difficult some days.

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