September 17, 2012

Tough week for Mark

Poor Mark has had a tough week. Being in a wheelchair is one thing but all the other crap the poor guy has to put up with is another matter all together. Just over a week ago he had his hemorrhoids banded. A small thing you might say as he can't feel it anyway, but our day started before 5.30am to be at the hospital by 7am. Most people would have jumped out of bed just in time to get dressed and make it to the hospital, but there's none of that in our house. I have to wake Mark up at least 30 minutes before he can even start moving around, it takes me another half hour to dress him and nearly another half hour to get ourselves out of the house and into the car. We arrive at the hospital with minutes to spare to then sit (or in Marks case) lay around until 11.45 till his turn. It only took 15 minutes from leaving the room to having it done and getting back to the room ...... nightmare!!

A few days later he fell out of his shower chair AGAIN. This time Mike wasn't here to help me but luckily the carers were but trying to get Mark into the hoist in the confines of a bathroom then back into his chair is a major operation. The carers aren't supposed to help with anything like that they're supposed to ring for an ambulance and leave the poor guy on the floor till it gets here. I can sort of understand why, if they were constantly hoiking and moving big people like Mark they'd all be off with bad backs. Of course it doesn't matter about my back, it's dispensable it seems.

A couple of day later, he's got dysentery. I won't go into any detail and I hope you're not eating while you're reading this but you can probably imagine what that's like for someone in his condition. The first day, I dressed, undressed, washed, dressed, undressed, washed, dressed, undressed, washed, dressed in the space of just over an hour!! Knackered didn't begin to describe it. The last time I got him up into this chair, I got straight into his bed and stayed there for an hour.

We've been trying to chase Pinderfields to get Marks Greek notes, we've been asking for 2 weeks, have we got them yet, have we hell. Everything moves very slowly in the world of the NHS. I was hoping to take them out to Greece and find out what we need about the fixture, but that's not going to happen now ....... dealing with anyone about anything slightly out of the ordinary is a nightmare.

Good news on the wetroom though, it's well underway and not looking too shabby.  Mark is really looking forward to being able to have a shower in the mornings, the warmth gets his body going and makes him feel a lot better. Something he could really do with right now.

Was going to make curry for tea tonight, but under the circumstances with Marks current condition, I decided that might not be one or my better decisions!!

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