September 06, 2011

Supposedly the eve of discharge

It's Tuesday evening, the eve of Mark supposedly coming home, however they still can't agree between them what the results of the MRI are. None of the Consultants are talking to each other or to Marks doctor. In addition to that, they were supposed to get some blow up splints for his legs to help with the constant swelling and we were told yesterday they don't have any now!! AAAAARGH. It's not just the problem of his legs swelling, it's more the fact that there's no fluid going through his kidneys or bladder all day and that surely can't be good for anyone. How can they contemplate sending someone home in such a state.

We get the feeling they're just trying to get rid of him and are trying to tell him all these things may change when he gets home - well they might not as well. Am ready to go in there and chain us both to his bed until they agree to try harder. I thought part of the Hippocratic Oath was 'first, do no harm'. It seems that comes second to the cost of keeping someone in until they get them medically stable. Am feeling like I'm becoming an hysterical female and if they're not careful I'll loose it and that won't be a pretty sight.

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