July 21, 2011

Cocktails and Cars

Marks been on his new cocktail of drugs .....

- Pregabalin - used to relieve neuropathic pain from damaged nerves by decreasing the number of pain signals that are sent out by the damaged nerves.

- Baclofen - acts on the spinal cord nerves and decreases the number and severity of muscle spasms caused by spinal cord injuries, also relieves pain and improves muscle movement.

- Diazapam - acts as a natural nerve calming agent, helps to keep nerve activity in the brain in balance and helps relax muscles.

..... for 3 days now and they've made an amazing difference, apparently taking all 3 together gives a better combined result than any taken independently. They certainly seemed to be working, his spasms have calmed right down, his pain is pretty much under control and he's eating again. He's almost back to his old self, brighter, talkative and currently planning a mutiny within the Spinal Unit - more about that in the next few days.

He's still waiting for his MRI but that could take up to 2 weeks!! They're convinced there's something underlying that they're not understanding yet but at least they're working on it.

He's back to his normal periods of OT and Physio and yesterday he did another car transfer. His Physio suggested he might be better with a 2 door car with wider doors to give him a bit more room to manoeuvre that big body but Mark likes his car and doesn't really want to consider anything else for a while. Men and cars!!!! My only consideration if I wanted to drive is how easily can I get in so I can get from A to B and get on with what I was going for, not what I'm arriving in. But guys don't think like that do they. Anyway he got in with very little help, better than he did last time, we went for a little drive around the hospital grounds and he got out with less help than last time - so all in all a success. Good for his mental health. He's still got one foot bandaged with his little pressure sore but the other is back in his shoe.

We're moving forward again.

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