August 26, 2009

August in the UK

The day after we arrived in Venice we flew back to the UK and picked up our 'runabout' ...........niiiiice!!!

We were nearly 2 weeks later arriving than we had first arranged. I had organised our girls get together at Hewenden and would only be getting back a few days before they were due. Another great weekend of catching up and lots of laughs. It's hard to believe a year had passed since we were last together.
Michael and Eve came up the next week and stayed a night, the next day was lovely and sunny and we took Lewie for a walk up to the viaduct and got some very different piccies of it this year - have a look here.
Michael Eve and Lewie (swimming)

We had a trip down to Birmingham to the Aston Eye Hospital for me to have a consultation for Laser Eye Treatment, got caught up in V Festival traffic and took 4 1/2 hours to get there from Yorkshire - nightmare.
Then the next weekend was spent in the Lake District with Dave and Carole and Steve and Elise. It rained!! We went down to Bury to stay a night with Dave and Chris and it rained!! We got back to Hewenden and it's raining!! We've both been b****y frozen since we've been back.
So that's where we're up to, we'll be off to Stoke to pick up our car (a friend drove it back from Greece for us) later this week ready to fill it up with 'stuff' to take back, then we've got the Bank Holiday Weekend with friends - it's sure to rain!!

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